Walk them out.

I am at a place in my life where I desire to stop looking to other people, the amount of friends, connections, likes/shares, or resources I (currently) have, to justify who I am, and what I can do with the abilities the Lord has gifted me. I just want to cooperate, and do what the Lord has instructed me to do/live out. Whether it’s following through on an idea, task, goal, or service offered, or just putting forth a better effort and attitude in my daily affairs (work life, home life, citizen as a whole).

I strongly believe now is the time for us as Believers, to be bold, strong, and courageous, and confidently walk out the plans the Lord has for us – trusting and honoring Him each step of the way. Knowing without a doubt that He’s able to bring those plans to pass, with lasting success, beyond our wildest dreams…

The plans of the Lord, let’s walk them out.

Stay encouraged!

Author: Lyn Marie

I am someone who knows and accepts that I DO NOT know it all. There's always room to grow! Happy to try and encourage others, as I encourage myself. We can make it through together! :)

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